Monday, 21 June 2010

more sketching

doing a little bit of the old sketching, mixing some very quick charcoal drawing with a little digital messing around. trying to stay in the ring, and have fun doing it. was staying with the movies theme.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

A "Z"?

Another quick update, what could it mean?! This piece was a quick sketch for a mothly drawing thread on the three A forums, centering around movies. its drawn with 3 chalk shades, scanned and then fucked with in photoshop. i liked the outcome, felt it fitted the old duke!

magnum snake

Long time no updates. fancied doing a pencil drawing, was inspired by the Tom Selleck and how much he resembles old snake (mgs4), so i firgured i'd have a go at a sort of mash up of the two. i really need to learn how to clean up a pencil drawing for web desplay... fuck it!